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FRP Fitting
Production categories:
FRP fitting includes elbow, tee, flange, Y-type connector, T-type connector, reducer, etc. Every kind of FRP pipe has its corresponding pipe fittings. Please refer to the following pictures.

Molding process:
There are two processes: hand lay-up molding and winding molding.

Elbow dimension & sketch  
D R 0.6Mpa 1.0Mpa 1.6Mpa
10 15 5 115 5 115 5 115
15 22.5 5 122.5 5 122.5 5 122.5
20 30 5 130 5 130 5 130
25 37.5 5 137.5 5 137.5 5 137.5
32 48 5 148 5 148 5 148
40 60 5 160 5 160 5 160
50 75 5 175 5 175 5 225
65 97.5 5 197.5 5 247.5 5 257.5
80 120 5 270 5 280 5.7 320
100 150 5 300 5 330 6.7 400
125 187.5 5 387.5 5.6 417.5 8 487.5
150 225 5 425 6.4 505 9.3 595
200 300 5.4 520 8 660 11.9 800
250 375 6.4 655 10 795 14.4 995
300 450 6.4 750 10 950 14.4
350 525 6.4 925 10 1095 14.4
400 600 6.9 1020 10.4 15.8
450 675 7.5 1155 11.5 17.5
500 750 8.2 1290 12.7 19.3
600 900 9.5 1540 14.9 22.9
700 1050 10.9 17.1 26.4
800 1200 12.2 19.3 30
900 1350 13.5 21.5 33.5
1000 1500 14.9 23.8 37.1

Remarks: 1. The liner thickness is 1.5mm, safety modulus is 8.

2. The thickness in the table is just for reference, according to the specific use condition, and design should be taken as the standard.
Elbow sketch: note--R=1.5D, R=2D elbow

Assembled randomly

Reducer dimension and sketch
D1 D2 L0 0.6Mpa 1.0Mpa 1.6Mpa
15 10 37.5 5 237.5 5 237.5 5 237.5
20 15 37.5 5 237.5 5 237.5 5 237.5
25 20 37.5 5 237.5 5 237.5 5 237.5
32 25 37.5 5 237.5 5 237.5 5 237.5
40 32 37.5 5 237.5 5 237.5 5 237.5
50 40 37.5 5 237.5 5 237.5 5 237.5
65 50 37.5 5 237.5 5 287.5 5 287.5
80 65 37.5 5 287.5 5 347.5 5.7 347.5
100 80 37.5 5 350 5 390 6.7 397.5
125 100 62.5 5 412.5 5.6 472.5 8 500
150 125 62.5 5 462.5 6.4 572.5 9.3 612.5
200 100 250 5.4 620 8 790 11.9 732.5
200 150 125 5.4 545 8 765 11.9 1000
250 200 125 6.4 625 10 905 14.4 995
300 200 250 6.4 770 10 1110 14.4 1245
300 250 125 6.4 705 10 1045 14.4  
350 300 125 6.4 825 10 1195 14.4  
400 300 250 6.9 970 10.4      
400 350 125 6.9 945 10.4   15  
450 400 125 7.5 1025 11.5   17.5  
500 400 250 8.2 1210 12.7   19.3  
500 450 125 8.2 1145 12.7   19.3  
600 500 250 9.5 1430 14.9   22.9  
700 600 250 10.9   17.1   26.4  
800 700 250 12.2   19.3   3015.8  
900 800 250 13.5   21.5   33.5.8  
1000 900 250 14.9   23.8   37.1  

Note: 1. Reducer standard L0=2.5(D1-D2), you can choose any one of them according to need.

2. When the reducer Diameter ≦250, the reinforced layer should use chopped strand; when diameter ≧300, the chopped strand and glass cloth should be used alternatively on the reinforced layer.          
The thickness of liner is 1.5mm, and the safety modulus is 8.

4. The thickness in the table is only for reference, according to the specific using condition, and the design should be taken as the standard.

Reducer sketch

Tee dimension & sketch
D 0.7Mpa 1.0Mpa 1.6Mpa
TH L=2L1 B TH L=2L1 B TH L=2L1 B
10 5 300 50 5 300 50 5 300 50
15 5 300 50 5 300 50 5 300 50
20 5 300 50 5 300 50 5 300 50
25 5 300 50 5 300 50 5 300 50
32 5 300 50 5 300 50 5 300 50
40 5 300 50 5 300 50 5 300 50
50 5 300 50 5 300 50 5 300 50
65 5 300 50 5 300 50 5 350 60
80 5 300 50 5 350 50 5.7 450 80
100 5 350 50 5 400 50 6.7 520 80
125 5 400 50 5.6 500 80 8 650 100
150 5 460 50 6.4 600 80 9.3 780 120
200 5.4 600 60 8 800 100 11.9 1050 160
250 6.4 740 80 10 960 130 14.4 1300 200
300 6.4 840 100 10 1200 150 14.4 1560 240
350 6.4 1000 120 10 1380 180 14.4 1820 280
400 6.9 1200 120 10.4 1580 200 15.8 2080 320
450 7.5 1260 150 11.5 1720 230 17.5 2340 360
500 8.2 1400 150 12.7 1940 250 19.3 2600 400
600 9.5 1650 180 14.9 2320 300 22.9 3120 480
700 10.9 1900 210 17.1 2700 350 26.4 3640 560
800 12.2 2150 240 19.3 3100 400 30 4160 640
900 13.5 2440 270 21.5 3400 450 33.5 4680 720
1000 14.9 2700 300 23.8 3850 500 37.1 5200 800

Remarks: 1. The connection method should fit to the pipe.
2. The thickness of liner is 1.5mm, the safety modulus is 8.
3. The thickness in the table are only for the reference, according to the specific using condition, and the design should be taken as the standard.


Flange dimension & sketch  
D 0.6Mpa 1.0Mpa 1.6Mpa
  S L S L S L
10 12 100 15 100 15 100
15 12 100 15 100 15 100
20 12 100 15 100 18 100
25 12 100 18 100 20 100
32 15 100 18 100 22 100
40 15 100 20 100 25 100
50 15 100 22 100 25 150
65 18 100 25 150 30 160
80 18 150 28 160 30 200
100 20 150 28 180 35 250
125 22 200 30 230 35 300
150 25 200 32 280 42 370
200 28 220 35 360 52 500
250 30 280 45 420 56 620
300 40 300 52 500    
350 45 400 60 570    
400 50 420        
450 50 480        
500 50 540        
600 50 640        

Remark: flanges fabricated by Zhongsheng completely comply with the standard joint dimension, such as JB/T81-94, GB91115-88, ANSI, and JIS.

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